Bander Training Course Begins!

Sunday May 13, 2018. 14 new birds of 9 species, 15 retraps.  No new species.  Bird of the day was Gray Catbird with 5 new bands.

Today was the first day of our week-long Bander Training Course. The birds were slow and steady which made for some great training opportunities. Students saw migrants such as Western Palm Warbler and a late Ruby-crowned Kinglet, as well as residents such as our bird of the day, Gray Catbird, and House Wren, which delighted us with their song all morning.

Students began by observing our protocol in practice before bird handling. Andrea demonstrated and taught the two North American Banding Council safe holds before having students practice switching birds hand to hand, a crucial skill for banders and mistnet assistants. NABC Certified Trainers Andrea and Kaitlin had students net picking by mid- morning with much progress made by the end of the day.

Andrea was treated to a Mother’s Day surprise- a recaptured Baltimore Oriole that was banded by her and her daughter in 2012.


It was a great first day and we are looking forward to more great training days and surprise birds!